PETA staffer Chris Garnett changes name to

by on January 3rd, 2006

NEW YORK (AP) — A 19-year-old PETA staffer has legally changed his name to

Chris Garnett, youth outreach coordinator for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said he changed his name in support of the group’s anti-KFC campaign.

“People don’t believe me at first when I tell them my name, but it never fails to spark a discussion,” Garnett, er,, said in a statement. “Many vow to boycott KFC after I explain the company’s indifference to cruelty to animals.”

Norfolk, Va.-based PETA’s complaints against KFC stem from video footage shot last year recording alleged mistreatment of birds at a Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. plant in Moorefield, W.Va. The plant is a KFC supplier.

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