Bush approval rating drops

by on May 15th, 2004


Bush’s overall job approval rating in the survey conducted May 13 and 14 fell from 49 percent [to 42 percent] in the last Newsweek poll almost a month ago, while the number of respondents who say they approve of his handling of Iraq also dropped to 35 percent from 44 percent. Forty-one percent of registered voters say they want Bush reelected, down from 46 percent.


A majority of Americans appear to agree with Bush on keeping U.S. soldiers in Iraq, according to Newsweek. In the magazine’s poll, 57 percent of respondents said that despite the prison abuse scandal, the U.S. can still “achieve its goals” in Iraq and shouldn’t withdraw troops from the country.


In the Newsweek poll, 45 percent of respondents said “higher- ups” in the military chain of command authorized abusive treatment of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. soldiers. Still, fifty-seven percent of those polled said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld should keep his job.

Etalkinghead Staff