Articles by Etalkinghead Staff
- Boy suicide bomber caught with 18 pound bomb at West Bank checkpoint March 24th, 2004
- Simon Cowell’s middle finger salute March 24th, 2004
- Democrat Zell Miller blasts Kerry, supports Bush March 24th, 2004
- Pre-9/11 bin Laden capture denied in 1998 March 24th, 2004
- Poll: Bush best to protect America March 23rd, 2004
- Kerry shifts to domestic issues March 23rd, 2004
- Rantissi named new Hamas leader March 23rd, 2004
- Death of Hamas leader argued to bring more terrorism March 22nd, 2004
- Poll shows Iraqis want troops to stay March 20th, 2004
- Professor vandalizes own car, claims hate crime March 20th, 2004
- Pakistan fights rebels, al Qaeda near border March 19th, 2004
- New Spanish leader calls Iraq a “fiasco” March 17th, 2004
- Analysts say terrorists now emboldened after Spanish elections March 16th, 2004
- Former Democratic aide denies spying for Saddam March 15th, 2004
- Al Qaida wins in Spain March 15th, 2004
- China shifts from communism in new constitutional amendment March 14th, 2004
- New tape links al Qaeda to Spain terrorist bombings March 13th, 2004
- Kerry challenges Bush to debates March 13th, 2004
- Democratic aide accused of spying for Saddam March 13th, 2004
- Iraqi police kill American officials March 12th, 2004
- Spain mourns terror attack, al Qaeda not responsible March 12th, 2004
- Republicans want Kerry to apologize for remarks March 11th, 2004
- Proposed California bill will allow 14-year-olds to vote March 10th, 2004
- Tenet grilled by Kennedy March 10th, 2004
- Kerry rivals pledge support March 10th, 2004