Articles by Etalkinghead Staff
- Job growth up big in October November 5th, 2004
- Ashcroft to resign November 4th, 2004
- Kerry concedes defeat November 3rd, 2004
- Bush camp declares victory November 3rd, 2004
- Gay marriage soundly defeated November 3rd, 2004
- Edwards refuses defeat November 3rd, 2004
- Republicans keep Senate November 3rd, 2004
- Republicans win big in House November 3rd, 2004
- Exit polling allowed in Ohio November 2nd, 2004
- Voter turnout heavy November 2nd, 2004
- Ohio Republicans can challenge voters November 2nd, 2004
- Presidential polls: Too close to call November 1st, 2004
- Presidential polls October 31st, 2004
- O’Reilly dispute over, ratings up 30 percent October 28th, 2004
- Presidential poll: Dead heat October 28th, 2004
- Yasser Arafat ‘very sick’ October 27th, 2004
- Florida Democrats file election lawsuits October 26th, 2004
- Study: Kerry favored by media October 26th, 2004
- Kerry promises to win war on terror October 26th, 2004
- Florida poll: Bush up big October 26th, 2004
- Georgia high court tosses hate crimes law October 25th, 2004
- Bush exploiting 9/11, says Carter October 24th, 2004
- Iraq weapons cache missing October 24th, 2004
- Army reservist sues to avoid Iraq October 24th, 2004
- Presidential Polls Update October 23rd, 2004